We are excited to welcome you to Thessaloniki for the largest shark and ray conference in Europe!!!
Below you can find instructions for presenters.
Poster presentations
All poster presentations will be displayed in the main hall of the venue. Posters must be delivered to the Conference staff in the Venue the latest by Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 at 14.00. The Conference Committee will provide all the materials to secure posters on the boards. We kindly ask poster presenters to stand by their posters in coffee breaks to answer questions. The maximum poster size is A0 portrait (841 x 1188 mm) or A1 landscape (591 x 841 mm). Presenters are responsible for printing their posters.
Further instructions:
• Posters must include a photo of the PRESENTING author (with surname) at the top right corner.
• Title font size should not be less than 96pt
• Do not include any text with a font size below 30pt
• Author(s) and affiliation(s) should be at least 42 point;
• Subheadings should be at least 60 points; Include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and Bibliography
• Include all co-authors and affiliations below the title
• Double-space all text
• Use little text and more figures and graphs. Attract your readers visually!
• Printed images should have a resolution of at least 120 pixels per inch (ppi).
Oral presentations
To streamline the process, we have created a Google Drive folder where you can upload your presentations. Please ensure your presentation file is named with your first and last name without spaces (e.g., IoannisGiovos). Try to use a standard font as the equipment used will only have the standard font files on hand. There will be an A/V technician available onsite to assist you.
• Format: PPT, PPTX or PDF with a slide aspect ratio of 16:9
• Presenters will have a maximum of 10 minutes for their presentation, which will be followed by 2 minutes for questions and 1 minutes for transition.
• Keep in mind that the session chairs will be strict about the 15-minute time limit. Please stay within your time limit to keep the program on schedule and as a sign of respect to the organisers, session chairs and other colleagues presenting their work.