The MARINE_ECOMED Project was framed to promote research and cooperation within the Mediterranean region in the field of sustainable management of marine and coastal areas, innovative communication and education strategies to support its implementation.
The Project enhanced the integration of professional experiences and approached in the sustainable management of marine and coastal areas from non-governmental organizations and academic institutions with the goal to improve the quality of research and education in this multidisciplinary subject. Main project objectives were the implementation of an innovative education pathway for university students and the creation of new open education resources that is available to any researcher, teacher or student interested in the project topic.
The main outputs of the project were the implementation of an Intensive Study Program (ISP) for university students and the creation of new educational materials. The ISP focused on the multidisciplinary subject of planning and management of marine and coastal areas. It involved students from different academic institutions and with different backgrounds that were trained through innovative integrated approaches and collaborated in an international workshop to apply and integrate their knowledge in an interactive manner working on a real case study. The new educational materials include the Open Education Resources in Planning and management of marine and coastal areas and Ocean literacy, the MOOC on Planning and management of marine and coastal areas, the Handbook on Marine education and communication in the Mediterranean. These materials are produced through the collaboration of the experts of the partnership and made freely available for download from the MARINE_ECOMED website.
The project is funded under the Erasmus + KA203: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education and its reference number is 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048520.
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