New Marine Park in the Ionian

The designation of two new extensive Marine Parks was announced as a pledge of the Greek Government on the occasion of the 9th Our Ocean Conference. One of the questions that arises is, what will be the exact borders of these parks?

In the Inner Ionian Archipelago lies a tiny islet, Formicula, which was unknown even to the locals until very recently. However, researchers, environmental organizations and tourists turned their attention to it, as Formicula is an important hotspot for Mediterranean monk seals, while at the same time it is surrounded by extended Posidonia meadows and provides key habitat for other species, like groupers.

On the other hand, the intensive activities, mainly unregulated tourism, and the harassment incidents of Mediterranean monk seals, may lead to their withdrawal from the islet and significantly affect their population.

Thus, together with Tethys Research Institute, the Ionian Environment Foundation and the Blue Marine Foundation, we have underlined the urgent need for the immediate adoption of protection measures to the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

And the local community supports it!

Their support was expressed through the co-signing of the letter calling for immediate action, which was sent to the Ministry of Environment and Energy, together with additional data on the ecological value and the activities that take place in the area. Systematic work on data collection, but also working closely with the local community highlighted the ecological value of Formicula. As a result, 36 local entities, mainly associations and businesses, support the proposal and demand for the protection of their local natural treasure.

Find more information about the area here.

Find the letter and all the signatories here.