The results of each sub-project and the scope of REPOSIDONIA will be utilized for the creation of informative and educational materials. This education campaign aims to sensitise the general public about the important habitat of Posidonia oceanica seabeds. It is considered vital that the general public familiarises with the ecosystemic value of the meadows and the banquets, as well as the threats and mitigation actions that could improve the status of these habitats. The above would be achieved by the creation and distribution of informative material in places of interest.
In the context of raising awareness, iSea has already developed the “REPOSIDONIA photobook”, in 2021, a photographic guide that includes information on P. oceanica, as well as photographs of the most common species associated with this habitat type. The photobook was presented in an online event, obtaining positive reviews from other seagrass experts who participated in the event and recognised its role as an awareness-raising tool. The photobook will be updated as the project progress, in order to include all new relevant information that will be obtained and expand the species list. This final version will be distributed to boat rentals, diving centres, and other tourist-relevant businesses.
Find the photobook here.
Sensitisation of tourism industry and sea users.
For 2022, iSea aims at the development and distribution of new material targeted to local stakeholder, such tourist business owners, scuba diving centers, boat rentals and local fishers, as well as tourists in areas of interest. Since tourism and fishing activity have been associated with the degradation of the meadows, this approach will allow for the development of material better focused to specific locations and threats, that will help mitigate the impact.
Find the poster in English here
Find the poster in Italian here
Find the poster in German here
Good practice guide for sea-users and sailors
This educational poster targets boat rental businesses containing information on P. oceanica ecosystem services with infographics, and good practices. The posters were printed in waterproof material are placed on rental boats and yachts to caution sailors about the damaging effects of anchorage while also informing them about the habitat.
Posidonia oceanica an underwater seascape
iSea will further developed a trainers’ booklet addressing diving centers and instructors to help them pass on information about P. oceanica meadows to their clients and to perform dives in meadows while showcasing their biodiversity. A digital presentation will accompany the booklet to assist the instructor with informing potential divers before visiting a meadow.
All the aforementioned material will be combined into a kit for diving centers and will be distributed to approximately 100 diving centers. iSea’s staff will give group online sessions to the diving instructors on how to utilize the kit, further contributing to the management efforts of threatened meadows.
Funders and collaborators: