Biodiversity is fundamental for healthy ecosystems. The marine environment comprises about 90% of the habitable space on the planet and hosts most of the world's biodiversity. However, marine species are far less studied than terrestrial ones and their extinction rate is probably higher than can be estimated. In the Mediterranean, human activities in the coastal zone and unsustainable resource exploitation have led to habitat degradation and the collapse of the populations of many marine species as a result of other extractive human activities. More specifically, it is estimated that more than 1912 marine species are threatened with extinction, many of which are endemic. Limited knowledge of Mediterranean populations indicates that the problem is likely more acute, as 1/3 of marine species cannot be assessed due to insufficient data. According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, "Life on Water", sustainable management and protection measures for marine and coastal ecosystems must be taken for achieving the goal of healthy and productive oceans. But time is running out and the scenarios for the future are unfavorable. In this context, iSea aims to increase and disseminate existing knowledge about vulnerable species in order to enhance scientific-based management and ensure their conservation, protection, and restoration to the extent that they fulfill their ecological role in achieving healthy and functional ecosystems.